

You will also need to download ffmpeg, you can download it here, make sure you download, unzip that to somewhere on your computer and you only need ffmpeg.exe, you can ignore the rest.

CDM (Optional, please skip if you not very technical when it comes to computers)

2 files can be generated called device_client_id_blob and device_private_key. These are used to get the decryption keys needed for downloading DRM videos. You can find a tutorial on how to do this here, you will need to place device_client_id_blob and device_private_key files in cdm/devices/chrome_1610/. I have also made some batch scripts to run the commands included in the guide linked above that can save you some time and makes the process a little simpler. You will still be able to download DRM protected videos without these files, all these files do is allow you to still be able to download DRM videos if cdrm-project (the website used if you don't have these files) goes down.

Last updated