Custom Filename Formats

In the config.json file you can now specify some custom filename formats that will be used when downloading files. I have had to add 4 new fields to the auth.json file, these are:

  • PaidPostFileNameFormat

  • PostFileNameFormat

  • PaidMessageFileNameFormat

  • MessageFileNameFormat

I have had to do it this way as the names of fields from the API responses are different in some places so it would become a mess using 1 file format for everything, besides having separate formats can be useful if you only want posts to have a custom format and the rest just use the default filename.

Below are the names of the fields you can use in each format:


id - Id of the post

postedAt - The date when the post was made yyyy-mm-dd

mediaId - Id of the media

mediaCreatedAt - The date when the media was uploaded to OF yyyy-mm-dd

filename - The original filename e.g 0gy8cmw5jjjs5pt487b9g_source.mp4 or 914x1706_6b211f68a4e315125ecf70137bb75d8e.jpg

username - The username of the creator e.g onlyfans

text - The text of the post


id - Id of the post

postedAt - The date when the post was made yyyy-mm-dd

mediaId - Id of the media

mediaCreatedAt - The date when the media was uploaded to OF yyyy-mm-dd

filename - The original filename e.g 0gy8cmw5jjjs5pt487b9g_source.mp4 or 914x1706_6b211f68a4e315125ecf70137bb75d8e.jpg

username - The username of the creator e.g onlyfans

text - The text of the post

rawText - The text of the post


id - Id of the message

createdAt - The date when the message was sent yyyy-mm-dd

mediaId - Id of the media

mediaCreatedAt - The date when the media was uploaded to OF yyyy-mm-dd

filename - The original filename e.g 0gy8cmw5jjjs5pt487b9g_source.mp4 or 914x1706_6b211f68a4e315125ecf70137bb75d8e.jpg

username - The username of the creator e.g onlyfans

text - The text of the message


id - Id of the message

createdAt - The date when the message was sent yyyy-mm-dd

mediaId - Id of the media

mediaCreatedAt - The date when the media was uploaded to OF yyyy-mm-dd

filename - The original filename e.g 0gy8cmw5jjjs5pt487b9g_source.mp4 or 914x1706_6b211f68a4e315125ecf70137bb75d8e.jpg

username - The username of the creator e.g onlyfans

text - The text of the message


"PaidPostFileNameFormat": "{id}_{mediaid}_{filename}"

"PostFileNameFormat": "{username}_{id}_{mediaid}_{mediaCreatedAt}"

"PaidMessageFileNameFormat": "{id}_{mediaid}_{createdAt}"

"MessageFileNameFormat": "{id}_{mediaid}_{filename}"

Last updated